News - Work Well Live Better


February 2025

Arthritis Support Group – Volunteer Information Morning

The Worcestershire Warriors Foundation are working towards launching the Arthritis Support Group in Worcestershire and are keen to start engaging key stakeholders.

A key part of this is recruiting volunteers who will help run and support the group. To start this process, there is a Volunteer Information Morning:

📅 Date: 21st February 2025
📍 Venue: Royal Porcelain Works, Worcester
Time: 10-11 AM
Drinks & snacks provided

This session will introduce the project, outline the benefits of volunteering, and provide an opportunity for potential volunteers to ask questions and get involved.

If you are interested in attending please contact Ben Powers via email here.

February 2025

Introducing Nurturing ND – Work Well Live Better’s latest partner

We are delighted to welcome Holly Bolt, from Nurturingnd as our latest network partner.

Nurturingnd nurtures neurodiversity through a passion for learning and inclusivity. It offers comprehensive services including assessments to identify dyslexia and other specific learning differences, exam access arrangements assessments, professional training, and consultancy for both individuals and workplaces. Founded by Holly, it aims to provide expert, tailored support and foster collaborative networks, making it Worcestershire’s go-to for dyslexia and neurodiversity.

Please visit Holly’s website here for further information about her services.

December 2024

Second Bi-Annual Showcase Event a huge success!

The second of Work Well Live Better’s Bi-Annual Showcase events took place on Tuesday 3rd December at The University of Worcester Arena – and we saw nearly 80 businesses attend, to join in a morning of learning, connection and growth, for themselves and their businesses!

Guest speakers included network partners Lorea Sarobe from Active Herefordshire & Worcestershire, Jamie Clements from The Breath Space, Ben Paskowec and Nick Wadsworth from M-A-P Performance, Becca Meadows, a Registered Nutritional Therapist, and Paol Stuart Thomson from Mind.

Attendees have offered overwhelmingly positive feedback, saying that they ‘have taken so much away both personally and professionally,’ and ‘really enjoy being part of such a supportive network.’

The next six months of events are now available to book, so head to our events page to find out more, and email us at to book your space.

November 2024

Get ready for a healthier Winter

Now that the colder months are setting in, it’s a good time to prepare for winter and take steps to stay healthy.

Worcestershire County Council have just launched their Worcestershire Winters Well webpage.

It’s the go-to place for practical advice to help you stay physically, mentally, and financially well during winter.

Winter’s cold weather and shorter days can affect our wellbeing, making it important to look after ourselves and those who may be more vulnerable, particularly older adults and children.

The advice includes a few simple things you can do to help protect yourself from common winter bugs and illnesses like flu, norovirus and COVID-19.

Staying well in winter is about more than just avoiding illness. The Worcestershire Winters Well webpage covers a wide range of helpful topics, including:

  • Tips on preventing falls and staying active
  • Ways to support your mental health
  • How to sign up for cold weather alerts and flooding advice
  • Information on cost-of-living support and energy savings
  • Warm spaces available in libraries across the county
  • Information on Healthy Worcestershire the free group-based lifestyle support and community safety advice programme
  • Advice on staying safe while travelling in winter conditions

For more information visit

October 2024

Free Suicide Prevention Training

We are pleased to announce that Herefordshire & Worcestershire Group Training Association is delivering Suicide Prevention Training funded by Worcestershire County Council.  It is available to anyone living, volunteering or working in Worcestershire & Herefordshire coming into regular contact with adults, in particular:

  • Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise Sector
  • Pub & Bar Staff
  • Barbers & Hairdressers
  • Unpaid Carers

Where demand is high, spaces are being allocated on a priority basis.

This three-hour funded interactive training session aims to improve your skills and confidence to support someone and guide them to the help they need. There are options of online or in-person sessions and anyone completing the training will be able to sign up to the Orange Button Community Scheme.

Book a place on the course via ‘Eventbrite’: Suicide Awareness Training Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite


New Stop Smoking Service

Worcestershire County Council’s Public Health team is delighted to announce a new stop smoking service.

Stoptober is the Department of Health and Social Care’s annual stop smoking campaign which runs throughout October. It is based on the evidence that if a smoker makes it to 28 days smoke-free they are five times more likely to quit for good.

This Stoptober anyone who lives in Worcestershire can get even more help to quit with our brand-new stop smoking service.

A team of specialist advisors can help people quit and, provide free expert advice tailored to an individual’s needs for up to 4 weeks.

What we offer;

Everyone’s journey to quit smoking is unique, so we offer personalised support. This includes a customised action plan, free vapes, and assistance with any challenges they might encounter.

Here’s what they can expect:

  • Initial Consultation: They’ll start with a one-on-one session over the phone with a trained stop-smoking advisor who will help them create a plan that fits their lifestyle.
  • Weekly Support: Regular telephone check-ins will keep them on track and provide encouragement as they work towards their goal.
  • Free Vape Starter Kit: To help them transition away from cigarettes we’ll provide vape starter kit vouchers at no cost.
  • Follow-up: 4 weeks after their quit date, we’ll check in with them by phone to ensure they’re still on the path to success.

Any adult (18 and over) who lives in Worcestershire or has a registered GP in Worcestershire can use the service.

To find out more go to or call 0800 772 0307 or 01905 928 185

September 2024

Thank you to our partners at Active Herefordshire and Worcestershire for providing us with these helpful dates for our diaries in September:

Know your Numbers week – September 2nd – 8th

With the everyday pressures of life, we know that understanding why it’s important to know your blood pressure numbers and taking the time to get them measured isn’t always a priority. However, did you know that getting a blood pressure check is the first step to preventing heart attacks and strokes? High blood pressure is a major cause of these diseases but usually has no symptoms until it’s too late, which is why it’s known as ‘the silent killer’. Knowing your numbers means you can start making healthy lifestyle changes or start taking medicines if you need them to bring your blood pressure down to a healthy level. So the power is in your hands to check your blood pressure to see if it’s under control.

What can you do to lower your high blood pressure?
It’s not only your diet that affects your blood pressure, it’s your lifestyle overall. You can read the advice offered by Blood Pressure UK about ways to manage your blood pressure with lifestyle changes here.

National Fitness Day – Wednesday 18th September

National Fitness Day is an annual campaign by ukactive that highlights the role physical activity plays across the UK, helping to raise awareness of its importance in assisting us to lead healthier lifestyles.
The theme for 2024 is ‘Your Health is for Life’, a powerful message that can resonate with us all.

What are the benefits for my organisation?
For workplaces it gets your team active and unites them through a day of active fun. Regular exercise boosts our mood, improves our health, and gives us more energy, all of which are contributing factors to workplace productivity.

How can my organisation get involved?
There are a number of ways you can get involved this National Fitness Day.
• Run an event/activity: How about a company plank challenge?
• Make the most of everyday breaks: you could set up an active lunch break and either go for a walk as a group, or maybe a lunch time disco dance!
• Try something new, together: Encourage employees to leave their desks and move around for a couple of minutes every hour.
• What’s on in your area: You could find out if the local gym or studio is participants in National Fitness Day and see if they run some free day passes to try their activities.
• Ask your staff what health means to them, with a useful printout your colleague can express there what health represents to them

What is next?
Communicate with your staff about your plans, or even better, get a little group involved to decide what activities to run! If you download the National Fitness Day toolkit you can access some of their assets such as email banners and social media posts

August 2024

New Partner Announced!

We are really pleased to announce, that Worcester Physiotherapy Clinic are joining Herefordshire and Worcestershire Wellbeing and Recovery College and Active Herefordshire and Worcestershire as official partners to Work Well Live Better.

At Worcester Physiotherapy Clinic we provide a revolutionary Physiotherapy approach, optimising the speed of recovery, whilst also providing support to reduce the risk of re-incidence in the future. A healthy workforce is a present, passionate and productive workforce and as such our services target Business Success through Employee Health. Our aims of tackling the root-cause of an issue to enable long-lasting, life-changing results is gratefully received by both employees and employers alike.

Pain can be a debilitating symptom affecting your Physical and Mental health, so truly getting to the bottom of the issue means we’re not just silencing the smoke alarm temporarily. By reducing absence and improving retention and job satisfaction your business is allowed to thrive. We provide bespoke Physiotherapy services for all business sizes, and we can do so from our state of the art clinic in Worcester, or on-site to suit you.

To find out more, visit their website here

August 2024

New Partner Announced!

We are really pleased to announce, that Herefordshire and Worcestershire Wellbeing and Recovery College are joining Active Herefordshire and Worcestershire as official partners to Work Well Live Better.

The Herefordshire and Worcestershire Wellbeing and Recovery College exists to bring people the support they need to feel healthier;  more connected; and to move ahead in life.

They work to drive forward the understanding of what recovery and self-management means; and to break down the stigmas that can be a barrier to good health.

Hosted by the charity Community First, they partner with professionals, local voluntary and community sector providers, and experts through lived experience to offer courses and workshops that enable and empower improvement in your own life, or to help you when you are supporting others in your personal and working life.

Their ethos is CHIME: Connectedness, Hope & optimism, Identity, Meaning & purpose. When you or your staff take the step to join us, you will be met with respect, compassion, and no judgement.

You can find out more via their website here: or email here. Or speak to one of the team Monday to Friday 9am to 4:30pm by calling 0300 302 0458

They offer courses and workshops which are open to anyone over the age of 18 living or working in Worcestershire or Herefordshire free of charge, or at low cost.  Our curriculum covers a range of topics, it is regularly updated and includes:

-“Introduction to Recovery,” which encourages people to explore what recovery means for them and to actively engage in self-care, prevention and rehabilitation activities.

-“My Perfectly Wonky Life,“ an online self-study course which offers refreshing and empowering perspectives on loss and changes in life for those who have faced challenges with mental/physical health, loss/bereavement, gender/sexuality, career/financial or significant life changes.

-A range of courses and sessions which cover topics such as eating well, exercise and building positive relationships.

-Sharing Education and skills to support with non clinical “symptoms” and to promote general health and wellbeing such as sleep, rest and raising energy levels.

-Writing for wellbeing which encourages self-expression and reflection in a safe and supportive environment and which we tailor for specific groups of people

-Support for people with particular unhelpful behaviours such” Managing anger and irritability” or problem gambling.

-Support for people with specific conditions such as” Next Steps to Recovery from an Eating Disorder.”

-Functional skills through our close working relationship with other VCSE skills providers.

August 2024


Healthy Worcestershire is a new and exciting programme open to anyone over the age of 18 who lives or is registered with a GP in Worcestershire. Sessions take place across the county and provide information, activities, and advice on being more physically active, leading a healthy lifestyle, staying safe online, maintaining good mental health, and staying connected to your community.

For more information and to find out about sessions local to you, click here


Worcestershire Community Foundation in partnership with Worcestershire County Council are launching a new £200,000 funding programme to support local communities through small grants, positively impacting all areas of the county. The Strengthening Worcestershire Fund will help alleviate a range of needs throughout Worcestershire and is inviting local businesses and donors to get involved; it will open to applications from early September, with funding delivered in December.

The aim of the new Fund is to support disadvantaged local communities which are continuing to experience the ongoing effects of cost-of-living, by delivering help for a wide range of projects via charities, community groups and social enterprises.

The priority areas of Strengthening Worcestershire include supporting with cost-of-living, reducing loneliness and isolation and helping people stay safe and well in their communities.

Types of projects which could be funded include community fridges/food banks; setting up/expanding local social groups or training staff/volunteers to deliver advice and support to disadvantaged groups.

To find out more, and to learn how to get involved, click here

July 2024

The Champions Programme has officially launched following on from the success of our first Annual Showcase Event! Businesses attended in their masses on Wednesday 26th June to the Worcester Whitehouse Hotel, and enjoyed a line up of expert speakers offering knowledge and advice on many hot topics in the health and wellbeing area.


The new Champions programme was also released, with any business registered on the programme now being eligible to work towards additional benefits!


The events calendar for the next 6 months is now available to view, and all events can be booked here.

June 2024

National Loneliness Week is 10-16th June, and the Marmalade Trust are encouraging businesses and organisations to join in and empower everyone to find new connections. Head to their website here for lots of useful initiatives, fundraising ideas and downloadable content that you use in your business.

April 2024

ParkYoga (PY) are a charity that provide free weekly outdoor yoga sessions to get people moving and out connecting with nature. The Park Yoga season runs from May through until September, with a local yoga instructor delivering outdoor yoga sessions from 9am/9:30am – 10am/10:30am every Sunday. The sessions are gentle and at a level that everyone can access/adapt easily. Everyone is welcome, regardless of age, background, or ability. Children are welcome along with parents or carers. For more information, click the link here.

March 2024

New Occupational Health Taskforce to tackle in-work sickness and drive down inactivity

Dame Carol Black, an experienced health policy advisor, will lead a new Taskforce to improve employer awareness of the benefits of Occupational Health in the workplace. The Taskforce is part of the government’s drive to tackle in-work sicknesses and help grow the economy. Businesses will be urged to tackle in-work sickness and stop people falling out the workforce, following the appointment of Dame Carol Black as the Government’s new Occupational Health Tsar. For more information please click here.


West Mercia Women’s Aid – A Song For WMWA

As you may already know, thanks to our fabulous supporters our short documentary film, sharing the WMWA choir’s journey, has made it through to the finals of the Smiley Charity Film Awards 2024!

We couldn’t have done it without the support of each and every person who voted and are so grateful for your support.

The WMWA choir was set up to bring staff, supporters and survivors together to empower one another and tell our story..

“I didn’t have any experience of singing whatsoever. But together it’s so beautiful, to find that you’ve got your voice back again and it’s so uplifting.” (Choir Member / Survivor.)

Voting for the additional ‘People’s Choice Award’ is now open and closes at midnight next week on 12th March – we need your support to be in with a chance of winning.

Please help share our story by voting here today – thank you!

February 2024

Work Well Live Better Upcoming Events

Our next two Work Well Live Better events are coming up in February and March, more details about these events will be circulated via email, and we look forward to welcoming you very soon! Have your say on the topics for your future events by voting here.


Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) Vaccinations

NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire and Public Health are holding pop-up MMR vaccination clinics in these areas. You can ask for an MMR vaccine which does not contain pork ingredients if you prefer. The pop-up MMR clinic is free and no appointment is necessary but if you’d prefer an appointment, you can also book ahead by calling 01527 390030

Not sure if you or your child have, had it? Just check your red NHS book or ask at your local GP.

The clinics are being hosted in libraries on the following dates:

  • Kidderminster Library – 10th February , 9:30am until 4pm
  • Wythall Library – 10th February, 9:30am until 4pm
  • Redditch Library – 10th February 9:30am until 4pm
  • Evesham Library – 17 Feb, 9:30am until 4pm
  • Malvern Library – 17 Feb, 9:30 am until 4pm
  • The Hive – 17 Feb, 9:30 am until 4pm

If anyone has symptoms of measles, please stay at home and phone your GP or NHS 111 for advice. Do not go to GP surgeries or A & E departments so the illness isn’t spread to others.

For more information on measles and the MMR vaccine please visit: Measles – NHS (


Bikeability Training – Worcestershire County Council Road Safety Team

From January 2024 there are free Bikeability training sessions available for adults, starting from County Hall on Saturdays. For more information and to book, please visit Worcestershire County Council | Bikeability Cycle Training.


Resources to support working parents

Parent employees make up 43% of the UK’s workforce, which is around 13 million people. We know that working parents have several demands on their time; pressures from both work and home life. It’s critical we make organisational changes and decisions that offer parent employees the support, flexibility, and information they need to sustain a healthy work-life balance to prevent burnout. Kooth have developed a new resource to help support working parents. You can download this resource here.


Hollywood and Wythall fun run

There’s less than week to get an early bird discount for the Wythall and Hollywood Fun Run on Sunday 23 June at 10am at Wythall Park.

Sign up before midnight on Thursday 29 February a get 10% off your entrance fee for the 5K and 10K races.

Wythall and Hollywood Fun Run is welcoming to everyone, whether running is your regular hobby or if you are brand new to running and just fancy trying it.

World and Olympic medallist Steve Cram and the Events of the North team will be there on the day seeing runners over the finish line. He said:

“I’m looking forward to being there on Sunday 23 June. With a great running route on traffic-free roads, as well as activities for families and non-runners it should be a great day for Worcestershire.”

Alongside the event, the Wythall Community Association are holding a fun day with food stalls, entertainment and taster sessions of other activities on offer at the park.

Wythall Community Association have chosen the local Primrose Hospice as the official charity partner, runners who choose to fundraise for them will receive a full fundraising pack.

Runners will receive a bespoke medal designed especially for this event.

Book now at


Have your say on Air Quality in Worcestershire

As part of the programme of work for Air Quality, a survey has been launched to gather valuable insights from the community regarding air quality and air pollution.

The survey will cover various aspects of air quality including perceptions, behaviours, concerns, as well as suggestions for improvement. By actively participating, individuals can contribute to shaping future air quality policies and initiatives to help make Worcestershire air better for everyone.

To complete the survey, please visit

The survey closes on 12th May 2024.

We would like as much feedback as possible, so please do share the survey link with your colleagues and networks.

January 2024

Worcestershire County Council Public Health Suicide Prevention Team are holding a Suicide Prevention in the workplace online awareness session on Tuesday 30th January 2024 from 10:30am-12:00pm.

Aimed at businesses working across Herefordshire and Worcestershire, delivered by Worcestershire County Council Public Health Suicide Prevention Team find out how to:

  • Reduce stigma around mental health in the workplace and promote help seeking behaviour
  • Increase awareness of support available and embed suicide prevention within company culture
  • Promote the use of tools and resources to help maintain good emotional wellbeing

To register for the event, please fill in this registration form

More information about the programme can be found here:
Suicide prevention in the workplace | Worcestershire County Council


Time to Talk World Cafe Event

Join The Herefordshire and Worcestershire Wellbeing and Recovery College us 1st February 2024, 10-12.30 at the Arena, University of Worcester for a World Café event.

Our World Café event will create a safe and supportive, informal café setting for people to explore stigma – talk about ways to recognise it, re-educate ourselves about it and decide how to reduce stigma in our everyday lives.

Alongside the world café will be a marketplace of local resources and support organisations where people can gather more information, advice or help with mental health and wellbeing for themselves or others.

To Book a place use the Eventbrite Link: Time to Talk Day World Café Tickets, Thu 1 Feb 2024 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

Email: for more information.

December 2024

Work Well Live Better has officially launched! Optima UK and Worcestershire County Council Public Health are excited to see the programme launched for the new year, and will be bringing you regular updates via this news page, showcasing the key highlights, hot topics and feedback from those that have joined the network.

As 2023 comes to a close, we’re very excited to announce the first of our chosen partners to Work Well Live Better, who we are really looking forward to working with in 2024 and beyond.

Active Herefordshire and Worcestershire have been established as the strategic lead for sport and physical activity across Herefordshire and Worcestershire. They are a vibrant, independent charity committed to improving the lives of people in Herefordshire & Worcestershire through the power of physical activity and sport.

Active Herefordshire and Worcestershire said, ‘We are thrilled to be a partner with Work Well Live Better from 2024. We spend a lot of our time in the workplace, and it makes perfect sense to encourage our businesses to look after their employees for great health and wellbeing. Movement and physical activity can play an active role in preventing and managing several health-related conditions, and the workplace is just another setting where we can promote the healthy behaviour of being more physically active. We look forward to working with businesses and giving them the tools to facilitate this advice to their companies and employees.’